Thursday, June 21, 2012

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

            So we got a little lazy… but lets be honest, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Didn’t you miss us? Just think of the three days left that we have until we board our flight to Amsterdam then you will understand what real longing feels like. First off, we would like to put out a disclaimer on the Moby-Dick blog post. We hate to point fingers (Greg), but that was not the planned post for that night. While you were wasting your time reading that, searching for a comical ending or one-liner you actually just spent ten minutes reading an analysis of a book about a whale (sorry desi, but come on in reality it’s a book about a whale #whatssobadabouttakingthingsatfacevalue?)

            We probably should make up for lost time and write all the posts that we missed but guess what…IT’S SUMMER!!!! #FUTRIN #stickittotheman #deadlines?

            Okay so we now have three days left and our eagerness is mounting just as much as the pile of clothes sitting on my bed that I need to fit into a duffel without exceeding 70 pounds #thesearerealproblems #reallyeasyjetaweightlimit #whydoshoesweighsomuch. But can we just say you better weigh your bag before getting to the airport because 1. While patience is a virtue, time is of the essence so put and extra Lesportsac Duffel inside your suitcase #wylieandnicole and 2. As we said before mo math mo problems #lidaicanyoucomewithus?

            So as promised #sydney, here are the top three things to remember when traveling in Europe:

1 1.   Make a copy of your passport #juliayoucouldntfindyourtraintickets #wealreadyknowyouwilllooseyourpassport #weloveyoujef
2 2.   Take lots of pictures #tanlinesmayfadebutmemoriesareforever #deletetheinappropriateonesofthecreepyeuropeanmakingtimewithyourfriend #werenotnamingnames
3 3.  Be safe #dontworryguysiamacertifiedlifeguard #thejewel #wherearewe #thankgodalexaishere

As the summer days drag on and the temperature continues to increase (I mean really mother nature 100 degrees) enjoy the moments of serenity cause soon enough there will be no downtime #letsseehowmanymuseumsweareactuallygonnamakeitto #DONNY #pubcrawl

Peace and Love,
Nikk*e and Samm*e

P.S Piddler’s contract is being worked out, she will be back soon due to popular demand

P.P.S game of thrones is the sh*t #winteriscoming #imp #scifyrules

Best show eva! #butwenowknowwhyguyslikeitsomuch

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